Endotec srl has been present in the Italian healthcare panorama for over 20 years, operating successfully in the medical technology sector.
The company mainly provides sales & technical assistance services for biomedical equipment and medical-surgical devices.
The sales network, made up of commercial specialists, guarantees a constant presence in the area and offers wide-ranging consultancy in the biomedical sector,
The experience gained over the years, strengthened by important collaborations with the main operators in the biomedical sector at a European level, places Endotec among the main companies at a local level in the panorama of services and solutions dedicated to hospital technologies.
Solutions for Biomedical Equipment and Medical - Surgical Devices
Sterilization Technologies
By taking advantage of numerous partnerships with leading companies in the European Sterilization panorama, we are able to offer wide-ranging consultancy in the field of sterilization, ...

Radiology Equipment and Ultrasound Systems
Radiological and ultrasound technologies represent a field where we operate with certified and proven experience. ...

Operating room equipment
Our expertise in the surgical field allows us to be able to set up operating blocks for important hospitals and private clinics where we supply operating tables, ...

Medical devices for interventional cardiology
In the cardiac-interventional segment we are able to provide to the market the most advanced devices, such as vascular stents, ...

Equipment for anesthesia and intensive care
Intensive care is an area where we are able to offer cutting-edge equipment thanks to agreements with ...

Esperienza e Professionalità
Da oltre 20 anni nel panorama sanitario calabrese, operando con successo nel settore delle tecnologie medicali.
- After-Sales Support
- Turnkey Solutions
- Presence in the Territory
- Selected Partners

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